The day of surgery continued……

My Husband has just spoke to the vets and Teddys surgery went well, he is awake although a little groggy and he has just had some food put into his cage. The vetinary nurse said he may not want to eat but knowing my little bundle of love he will. My Ted won’t pass up the chance of food for to long. He has had pain relief injections and will be staying in overnight. I’m just worried about how i’m going to react when i get to see him. I love him so much xxx

UPDATE…. We recieved a phone call from the vets to tell us that Teddy is up and about and walking around. AMAZING 🙂 What did i say about him and his food? Yep you guessed it gobbled and stored away in his fave place…..his belly. I was shocked when my husband said they were happy for him to come home tonight, we have decided on letting him stay overnight just incase he needs some stronger pain relief and his wound is weeping a little. Ted is amazing and strong for a little dog and i feel as proud as punch xxx

The day of surgery

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and great advice, you have been brilliant. Teddy went into the vets this morning at 8:30 (we live in the uk). I’m so worried sick and i can’t stop crying, i feel guilty almost but i know this is the best thing for him. I know he will not hate me, he will love me like he always does but i can’t shake this horrible guilty feeling.


I need some advice, my lovely dog Teddy who is 5 has been diagnosed with cancer and he is going to have his R rear leg amputated. Can anyone tell me how their dog has coped through sugery and after and how they have adapted to life. I need to ease my mind and prepare myself, after all he is my baby. Thanks xx